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Partner Account Executives

Acts as a strategic sounding board - Identifies ongoing Zywave resources - Handles ongoing contract questions

Alex Lawton

Account Executive

Amanda Arnold

Account Executive

Amanda Arnold

I am married to my husband Kyle (who is a fourth grade teacher), and we currently live in West Palm Beach, Florida. Last March, we decided to uproot ourselves and travel for 6 months. We spent time throughout Europe and Africa, and our favorite adventure was seeing wild lions, elephants, and giraffes on Safari in South Africa.

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Andrew Holmes

Regional Sales Manager

Chad Anderson

Account Executive

Chad Anderson

I joined Zywave to be on the fringe of the industry’s future; helping to make my partners’ businesses more efficient and effective. Thus, more profitable! My responsibility as your Account Executive is to exceed your expectations, so you can do the same for your clients. I love building meaningful relationships out of trust and respect for each other, earning the permission to challenge each other in order to grow and realize our true potential! With of over 20 years of B2B experience, I’ve been on the Manufacturing, Distribution, and Brokerage side; giving me a unique perspective on how I can best support my Independent Agency Partners! Building High-performing teams (yours and ours together) is so important in this world of compressed commissions, compounded with the increased needs/demands of your clients. Efficiencies are imperative. With a passion and background in Business Development, I (with the support of Zywave resources) will rally a team to accomplish their goals by doing more in less time, attracting top talent, and having some FUN along the journey... This is truly an awesome and noble is an honor to be part of it! Respectfully, Chad Close Bio

Connie Johnston

Dakota Jacobsen

Account Executive

David Rickert

Account Executive

David Rickert

Working in the group benefits space for over 13 years has given me great insight to how the Zywave portfolio helps to earn new business while retaining current clients. I enjoy the flexibility of the SaaS industry and how adaptable it is to industry needs. Decision Master Warehouse (DMW) is my favorite product Zywave offers because the report and drill down capabilities get right to the core reasons of one of the largest employer expenses, health claims. Outside of work, I enjoy spending quality time with friends and family and assisting with my daughter's equestrian events and son's shooting sports. We enjoy traveling throughout the United States and Caribbean taking in the unique experience each location offers! Close Bio

Doug Martin

Account Executive

Doug Martin

I've been with Zywave since 2014. Started on the inside sales team so you have probably received a call from me at some point! Through my career here, I have developed a passion for Risk Management, whether if be on the Benefits or P&C side of things. On the weekends you can probably find me on a golf course or at the ballpark. Can't get enough of all Wisconsin sports - Packers, Brewers, Bucks and Badgers. Close Bio

Dylan Friedman

Account Executive

Dylan Friedman

Dylan is originally from the northern suburbs of Chicago and attended Business School at Northern Illinois University. After college he spent 5+ years in ASO & PEO sales. Currently, Dylan lives in Chicago where, in his free time, he focuses on his passions including music, food, & comedy.

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Erich Breight

Erich Breight

Account Executive
(414) 918-0486

Erich Breight

Been with Zywave since 2012. Favorite part about my role is helping partners win. The insurance industry is very dynamic and when executed properly, our tools provide a competitive advantage. My hobbies include golf, ping pong, and taking my Chihuahua on walks. Close Bio

Fay Reinhold-Shor

Regional Manager - UK

Fay Reinhold-Shor

My loves include my baby boy Stanley, interior design, slightly dark Netflix documentaries, trying out new restaurants with friends and reading the Sunday papers with coffee. My favourite Zywave product is MyWave Connect because it allows customers to receive consistent, high-quality service. I love working for Zywave because this company values me and provides me with limitless opportunity and the freedom to work in a way that suits me. I also love helping and inspiring people all across the UK brokerage industry! Close Bio

Grant Jahnke

Account Executive
(704) 779-4014

Grant Jahnke

I am a Southern transplant with Wisconsin roots. Outside of work, you can find me anywhere but home. Traveling, sports, and time with friends all make me happy. Close Bio

Harrison Hahn

Senior Account Executive

Ilya Ksenidi

Senior Account Executive

Jack Miller

Account Executive

Jason Ganz

Account Executive

Jason Ganz

Prior to Zywave, I was in group benefit sales on the carrier side assisting retail agents market complex plan designs to better retain and win business. I then opened a small P&C Agency focusing on commercial risks. I am extremely excited to be at Zywave and back in the space of helping Agents/Brokers grow and retain their current book of business. I am based in sunny Scottsdale, AZ. In my free time I am either with my son, listening to live music or backpacking throughout the great outdoors. Close Bio

Jeff Bozek

Account Executive

Jennifer Gacek

Account Executive

Jessica Stickel

Account Executive

John Kotnik

Senior Account Executive - Enterprise

John Meyer

Account Executive

Johnny Arnold

Regional Sales Manager

Johnny Arnold

I feel the technological transitions we are making will revolutionize the way agencies do business. Leading our Partner Account Executives to bring our platform to the industry is an honor and a responsibility that I am passionate about. When I am not leading our Partner Account Executives, I am leading young men on the basketball floor or baseball diamond. I even find time to still compete competitively in baseball.

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Julie Bayer

Account Executive

Kathy Gardner

Account Executive

Kathy Gardner

I was raised on the east coast, but now live in sunny, beautiful Colorado with my family. I live with a Raider fan, but love the Broncos! We love to Ski, hike and do anything and everything outdoors. I joined Zywave because I know we are the best of the best in the Insurance technology industry. Being in B2B sales and sales management for 21+ years, it is my passion to help my clients exceed their business goals while creating long lasting relationships. I have worked alongside 100’s of business owners in the O&G field, government space, construction and service industries. One thing resonates regardless of what industries they are in and that is owners want trusted advisers in their corner. Anytime I can help educate my clients, while saving them time, money and creating efficiencies; it reminds me why I do what I do. In a fast-paced world where client interactions are not always the best experience, Zywave and the entire team strive to create and provide our partners with everything they need to grow their business, while doing it with the highest level of service when client facing.

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Kevin Reese

Account Executive

Kyle McHugh

Account Executive
(414) 918-0544

Kyle McHugh

When I am not in the office I enjoy a few different hobbies that include hunting, fishing, and working out. I would have to say my favorite product is MyWave Connect because it empowers to answer their own questions without having to go through the broker. What keeps me motivated is hearing the success of a partner, whether it is winning a new account or just easing the service burden it fires me up hearing that our products are responsible for that. Close Bio

Laura Mallwitz

Account Executive

Matthew Wayne

Account Executive

Mike Roy

Regional Manager – Human Capital Management

Nicole Hron

Account Executive

Nicole Hron

My hobbies include anything that involves my two boys. I am constantly taking them to and from sporting events that they participate in. I am a huge sports fan, so I certainly don't mind.

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Rebecca Balian

Account Executive

Rebecca Balian

I like driving and in my spare time I like finding roads less traveled. Of course I am partial coming from HR 360, the Benefits Notice Generator is my favorite and it’s a game changer for brokers who do these manually. The insurance industry is constantly changing, you have to stay on your toes! Close Bio

Rhett Gardner

Account Executive

Rob Long

Account Executive

Rob Stout

Regional Sales Manager

Rob Stout

My name is Rob Stout and I am a Regional Sales Manager here at Zywave. I have an extensive risk management and OSHA compliance background. I am a huge fan of Broker Briefcase and all the updated information available immediately for brokers and their clients. MyWave Connect and Zywave Learning are also tremendous customer facing resources available for brokers and clients. Outside of Zywave I enjoy coaching my son in baseball, football and basketball as well as watching my daughter at her dance recitals and participate in gymnastics. I am an avid golfer and also enjoy running obstacle races. I look forward to working with you as a partner, and provide the greatest value through our expertise and solutions.

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Robyn Larson

Account Executive

Robyn Larson

I worked for a Zywave partner and regional consulting firm for over 20 years, all in Employee Benefits. I did everything from consulting with clients on their insurance to operations, which is where I ended my time there – I managed their tech stack for EB and their Errors and Omissions insurance. As an avid user of Zywave tools, I am beyond excited to now be able to help my partners reach their goals with our tools. I now live on a horse ranch in rural Nebraska with all variety of animals necessary to a ranch, plus my husband. We both welcome the frequent visits from my son and his fun family. Close Bio

Shannon Harnitz

Account Executive
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Steve Kutina

Senior Account Executive

Tim Coakley

Account Executive

Tracey Powell

Account Executive

Whitney Waters

Account Executive

Xander Lien

Account Executive

Zech Dahms

Account Executive
(414) 918-0677

Zech Dahms

I love to be outdoors as much as possible and enjoy staying active. Few of my main hobbies include playing pool, riding my bike, kayaking, hiking, and anything else outdoors. What I like the most about this industry is that it is always changing in some way. The challenges Zywave and our partners face evolves on a monthly basis, which keeps things exciting when we strategize with our partners. Close Bio

Customer Success Managers

Guides through implementation - Creates agency action plans - Leads annual business reviews

Brian Schnell

Customer Success Consultant

Brian Schnell

Married with 2 wonderful kids. I love playing softball, golfing, and hanging out with my friends and family! I am always here to help, and happy to do so!

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Brianna Olson

Customer Success Manager

Brianna Olson

As a Customer Success Manager on the Enterprise Team at Zywave, Brianna strives to ensure her partners are utilizing all of the incredible tools Zywave has to offer. With more than 10 years of leadership experience in offering customers in various industries with world class service, she’s obsessed with listening to her partners’ needs in an effort to discover how to help them delight their clients for continued growth and prosperity. During her free time, Brianna loves running, cycling and spending time with her two children.

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Caitrin Rose

Customer Success Consultant

Caitrin Rose

I was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and attended college at UW-Madison. Go Badgers! My favorite part of my role as a Customer Success Consultant is helping our partners like you grow and get the most out of Zywave products! In my free time I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I also love traveling, hiking, and trying new restaurants.

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Carolyn Reeves

Carolyn Reeves

Customer Success Consultant
(414) 918-0472

Carolyn Reeves

Carolyn recently received her MBA and is passionate about getting to know your business needs and goals and providing customized recommendations based on best practices. She has ten years’ of experience putting her customers’ needs first and finding solutions to match their unique needs. In her free time you can find her chasing around her toddler! Close Bio

Casey Baldin

Customer Success Manager

Chris Madsen

Manager, Customer Success

Christian Casper

Associate Customer Success Consultant

Dayna Trautwein

Manager, Customer Success

Dayna Trautwein

Isn’t it a great feeling to know you’ve helped someone? That is just one reason why I love Customer Success! Helping our Partners get the most out of Zywave so that they can in turn helps others is what it’s all about. Outside of Zywave, you can catch me reading, painting, or cooking.

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Jeff Gallagher

Customer Success Manager

Jeff Gallagher

11-year veteran of the recruiting industry with experience in direct client delivery and management of strategic recruiting teams and partnerships. That client service experience along with my general interest in technology led me to Zywave where I’m excited to help provide best in class service to our broad spectrum of partners. In my free time I am an avid ice hockey player and I also enjoy periodic red wine tastings with my fiancé.

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Jenny Lawrence

Customer Success Consultant
Jim Roy

Jim Roy

Customer Success Consultant
(414) 918-0444

Jim Roy

I have been working in the insurance technology space for 12 years, along with being a commercial lines producer in Connecticut for 2 years. Close Bio

Jon Palak

Customer Success Manager

Jon Palak

I've taken a very normal career path from physics degree to restaurant general manager to full-desk recruiter to a litany of roles within Customer Success, and jokes aside, that background has helped define who I am today and how I interact and lead my partners to achieving their success.

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Katie Knoff

Customer Success Manager

Katie Knoff

When I am not surfing Broker Briefcase content, you’ll find me teaching yoga or chasing one (or all) of my 3 young children.

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Kelly Kukulski

Customer Success Manager
(414) 918-0683

Kelly Kukulski

I worked as an Insurance Broker for 5 years who also Partnered with Zywave. This gave me a unique perspective of the day-to-day tasks that Brokers have and how Zywave can help. I really enjoy working with my Partners on positioning the Zywave Products to win new business. I also maintain my ACC/Health Producer License from the Department of Insurance. Close Bio

Meaghan Hoffmann

Customer Success Consultant

Nicole Fischer

Customer Success Consultant

Nicole Fischer

I love traveling to brand new places and experiencing new things! One of my favorite experiences was surfing alongside sea turtles in Maui. I am also a huge lover of Chick-fil-A (especially the spicy chicken sandwich)! I love being a Customer Success Consultant because it gives me the opportunity build relationships with our incredible partners and help them get the most out of their products! Close Bio
Rachel Shaw

Rachel Charlton

Customer Success Manager
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Shawna Lawton

Customer Success Consultant II
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Suzanne O’Brien

Customer Success Consultant

Todd Johnson

Customer Success Manager
(414) 918-0692

Todd Johnson

Prior to Zywave, I was a producer. I still hold my P&C, Life, and Health Insurance Licenses. I find great joy in empowering producers to prospect differently. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my wife and two boys, camping, biking, hiking, and playing guitar for local churches. Close Bio

Vitaly Efimov

Customer Success Manager

Vitaly Efimov

I truly enjoy working with our partners as there is something about helping others, whether it’s a business or an individual, that’s motivating and fulfilling to me. If you need me outside of work you can usually find me on a golf course or in a workout class. I also love spending time with friends and family doing just about anything. Cheers!

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